
The future of vehicle leasing is at a crossroads, with electric and gasoline-powered vehicles vying for dominance. As we delve into this topic, we will explore the pros and cons of each, the impact on different states, and the potential future trends.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer a novelty. They are becoming increasingly popular, thanks to their environmental benefits and advancements in technology. However, the leasing landscape for EVs is still evolving, with factors such as charging infrastructure and battery life playing crucial roles.

Charging Infrastructure: A Key Consideration

One of the main concerns for potential EV leasers is the availability of charging stations. States like California, with its robust charging infrastructure, are leading the way. However, other states are lagging behind, making it a critical factor to consider when leasing an EV.

Battery Life and Range Anxiety

“Range anxiety” refers to the fear that an EV will run out of power before reaching a charging station. While battery technology is improving, it’s still a significant concern for many potential leasers, especially in states with vast rural areas like Texas or Montana.

The Case for Gasoline Vehicles

Despite the rise of EVs, gasoline vehicles still hold a significant share of the leasing market. Their widespread availability, established infrastructure, and range capabilities make them a reliable choice for many.

Fuel Availability: A Winning Factor

Gasoline vehicles have the advantage of a well-established fueling infrastructure. No matter the state, finding a gas station is rarely a concern, making gasoline vehicles a practical choice for many leasers.

Range and Versatility

Gasoline vehicles often offer greater range than their electric counterparts. This advantage, coupled with their versatility, makes them a popular choice, especially for those who frequently travel long distances or require specific vehicle types like trucks or SUVs.

The Impact on Different States

The choice between electric and gasoline vehicles can significantly vary depending on the state. Factors such as charging infrastructure, state incentives, and geography play a crucial role.

State Incentives: Driving the Shift

Many states offer incentives to promote EV leasing. For instance, New Jersey provides a significant tax credit for EV leasers, making it an attractive option. However, these incentives vary widely from state to state, influencing the leasing decisions.

Geography and Climate

Geography and climate also impact the choice between electric and gasoline vehicles. For example, in colder states like Minnesota, EVs can experience reduced range, making gasoline vehicles a more reliable choice.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Vehicle Leasing

While it’s challenging to predict the future, current trends suggest a growing shift towards electric vehicles. However, gasoline vehicles are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.


The future of vehicle leasing is a tale of two technologies. Electric vehicles, with their environmental benefits and growing infrastructure, are gaining ground. However, gasoline vehicles, with their established infrastructure and range capabilities, remain a strong contender. The choice between the two often comes down to individual needs and the specific circumstances of each state.


Q: Is it better to lease an electric or gasoline vehicle?
A: The choice depends on several factors, including your driving habits, the availability of charging or fueling infrastructure, and the incentives offered by your state.

Q: How does the state I live in impact my decision to lease an electric or gasoline vehicle?
A: Your state can impact your decision through factors like the availability of charging stations for EVs, state incentives for leasing EVs, and the climate, which can affect EV battery performance.